5-30-2022 C.diff is back, as we feared (and expected)
(Tricia) Once Linda finished her two-week round of vancomycin two weeks ago, which was treating the C.diff that sent her to the hospital last month, we kept our fingers crossed. Even though history was not on our side, we truly hoped that somehow, with enough yogurt (to add "good bacteria" to the gut) and hopeful thoughts, we could keep C.diff at bay. And, in fact, we had a good ten days or so where everything had seemed to stabilize, and Linda seemed a little bit stronger and in better spirits. And, of course, she and Hopscotch have continued to bond in the cutest way. Here is another one of their moments :-) : With Linda, things have always been relatively OK until the very moment they're not. And, on Saturday afternoon, things suddenly weren't OK anymore. The C.diff returned as it always has with Linda--suddenly and definitively. To make matters worse, this was preceded on Friday by another problem with her catheter, where we had to call the hospice nurse to come o...