8-10-2021 She is getting so frustrated

 I got there early today but they were dressing her and making up her bed so I couldn't go in the room until about 9:15.  When I walked in, she said, "I'm ready."  I said, "Ready for what?"  She said, "Church.  Which church are we going to?"  I reminded her that we hadn't gone to church for quite a few years.  She said, "What about Sunday school?"

The speech pathologist came in and spent an hour playing a kind of Trivial Pursuit.  Paula would tell Linda a few words from a song and Linda needed to fill in the blank.  For instance, "Sweet Blank Brown."  And Linda said, "Georgia."  Linda enjoyed the game and got a lot of answers correct.  So we're going to play that game more often.

Then she picked up her cup of water and dropped it -- almost like it was intentional.  I picked it up and gave it to her and she dropped it again, with a smile on her face.

We took a few turns around the facility and by then she was getting tired and kind of slumped over in the wheelchair.  The nurse said that as soon as Linda had her lunch they would put her back into bed.  She was having a hard time talking at that point.

Last year I bought an orange Mustang convertible and I drove it to the nursing home today. So I pushed Linda's wheelchair up to the front door and pointed out my car in the parking lot and guess what she said? "I am not impressed."  She was never into flashy things like I was.  LOL


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