9/2/2021. She fell again
I got there around 10:30 and was met by the nurse who informed me that Linda had fallen again trying to go to the bathroom unassisted. Linda says she is not hurt anywhere but time will tell. She was incoherent for most of my visit.
So Paula spent a lot of time with Linda today trying to get Linda to always remember that she needs assistance to go to the bathroom, but that didn't go well. So now there's a big sign on the bathroom door saying "Linda, when you have to go to the bathroom, press the call button and WAIT." Hopefully that works. The nurses will check on Linda as often as possible.
Linda's lunch came as I was leaving and it was a sandwich. Linda was unable to pick the sandwich up and that really frustrated her.
Tricia is so fortunate to have Ed to lean on -- he's been a rock for her. I miss Marshall SO much.
I haven't been feeling so hot (back pain and tremors) and am making a few doctor appointments for myself. I am hoping the cardiologist can suggest a painkiller, like Tylenol, that won't interfere with Warfarin. I haven't had a cup of coffee in over a week now and that's a killer (LOL) -- Starbucks may go out of business. Hoping that getting rid of coffee reduces the tremors a bit but stress is certainly a factor as well. I tried taking the Levodopa bills but they made me really sick so not sure where I'm headed regarding the Parkinson's. I have a t-shirt that says it all: "Don't get old, it's a trap."
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