11-21-21 More falling
Well, Linda has now fallen almost every day in the past week. She does not appear to have hurt herself. The good thing about the falls is that she is now actively working at walking and going to the bathroom by herself, etc.
I went to see her this morning and she was sleeping and dead to the world. I sat there having coffee for about 25 minutes and then decided I would go back home and let her sleep. Wouldn't you know that about 5 minutes after I left, Tricia got a call saying Linda had fallen again. I was blown away that she went from sleeping to walking to falling that quickly.
I've been taking time off from going to NHC. Linda and I aren't getting along all that well and my visits just get her worked up. Plus, I go in the mornings and she is different in the morning from her evening personality. In the morning she is cantankerous and somewhat mean. But in the evening -- when Tricia and Ed are there -- she is alert and on the ball. I have to admit it feels so good to pretend I have a normal life again. But this is temporary, I know that, and I truly feel so bad for her. But I have my own health issues that require attention, too.
Tricia and Ed went to Mtn View last weekend to check on Linda's houses and properties, etc. Plus, now that Tricia has been appointed guardian she had to go to the bank, as well as a long list of other administrative tasks. The Court has stringent rules and Tricia is really working hard for Linda. Dealing with NHC is a constant battle. I imagine that after the new year, we will try to move her.
While they were in Mtn View, Ed went hunting on Linda's property and got himself a 7-point buck.
Tricia works tirelessly every evening trying to get Linda to do cognitive exercises as well as leg exercises. Linda is now talking constantly about getting back to her house. She still thinks Mother is alive. These are tough conversations because it is not clear to us whether she can ever live alone again. There is still hope but it will be down the road before that will be possible. And it's really especially tough because while we are so happy to see her improving regularly, that awareness on her part makes for really difficult conversations.
I think I have covered the main news for the past few days..
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