11-7-21 Alligators, Scorpions, Anacondas, etc.


Well, Linda has good days and bad days.  She had some really good physical therapy but then today she was a bit out of it.  Tricia and I brought lunch and we had a really nice lunch together, but then Linda started reverting.  

When we got there today, we learned that Linda fell again, trying to go to the bathroom by herself.  She simply refuses to call a nurse.  She evidently was on the floor for a while before someone saw her and got her up.  I asked her why she didn't call out and she said she is not going to ask for help.  So Tricia and I have decided that we are going to insist that when she needs help she needs to call the nurse herself, we won't take over for her.

On a different note, the "entertainment" last week was a guy who brought in a bunch of reptiles to talk about and let people hold.  Linda didn't want to go but I wheeled her down there anyway.  It turned out to be very interesting.  So here I am holding a baby alligator.  Then the guy draped an anaconda over my and Linda's laps.  And then, of all things, here's Linda holding a scorpion!

And then there's this other resident -- Carol -- who held one of the reptiles and she was the only one who volunteered  to hold this one.  I didn't hear the details on this one but it looks like something very scary., don't you think?  


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