12-1-21 Update
The last few days have had lots of ups and downs. She is doing wonderfully on her ability to walk but still has a way to go. Needs to continue with physical therapy but hates it. She wants to get rid of the electronic bracelet but of course it has to stay. In the morning hours she has trouble finding words but in the evening she does much better.
We think the C Diff infection is back and we are having a heck of a time trying to find an infectious doctor. She just can't win for losing.
Yesterday she told me that since Tricia has always wanted a harpsichord (what??) Linda wanted to buy her one for Christmas. And she said Ed always talks about music so she wants to get him a rewind conical (??)
She has made friends with the screamer across the hall and their conversations are interesting (LOL).
I'm still recovering from my fall.
Tricia and Ed spend a lot of time with Linda but I go less often because Linda usually kicks me out.
Today I bought her some yarn and crochet hooks. She used to love crocheting so we are hoping to get her interested again. You can only watch so many Hallmark movies.
I could go on and on, but you get the picture.
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