4-16-2022 Some random memories


Linda has gone through a lot and even though her brain damage has kept her from a lot of lucid moments, she has times where we have good conversations.

When we talk about bringing her to Tricia's house -- which she has asked for many times -- she now said, "What if I don't like it there?" (with that mischievous smile on her face).

Today she said, "I can't take this any more" -- heartbreaking...

Yesterday she said that Mother was in the room.  Tricia asked her how Mother looked, and Linda said, "Dead!!"

She also said something like "I want to go securely."  We haven't really been able to interpret that one

A few days ago they needed to move her from her bed to the recliner, so they had to use the Hoyer which lifts her up and moves her from place to place.  I tell her that when she is up in the air like that she looks like Peter Pan.  She usually HATES the Hoyer.  But this time she kept saying "Whee, whee." and laughed.

But for the most part I get the feeling that she is ready for whatever the future holds.


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