8/28/2021 A good day for physical therapy
(Marilyn) I got there at my usual time -- 8:30AM. On Saturday the regular physical therapy people are sometimes not there. When I walked in the room, a therapist named Crystal was there and was getting Linda ready to head out for her session. Crystal stepped out of the room to get a walker and Linda told me she really liked Crystal. Crystal was able to get Linda to stand up with almost no help. Then they walked down the hall and then walked back. She had Linda sit down on the wheelchair for a brief rest and then get herself standing again. They walked down the hall and back again. Then Crystal had Linda practice going from a sitting to standing position several times. The lady across the hall was in her screaming mood again and she came to the door of Linda's room and Linda told Crystal she wouldn't do any more therapy with "that woman" staring at her and screaming. So Crystal closed the door. Crystal then left and said Linda ...